We are
Raised to Life
with Jesus.
As we are baptized in water, we are in effect saying goodbye to our old life (self) and as we rise out of the water we are saying hello to our new life in Jesus. Baptism does not save us, but is an act of obedience since Jesus commands us to do so.
Matthew 28:19
Why get baptized?
In the Greek, to “baptize” means to “cover wholly with a fluid, to dip or to fully immerse”.
Baptism is the symbolic act of dying and rising again with Christ. As we are baptized in water, we are in effect saying goodbye to our old life (self) and as we rise out of the water we are saying hello to our new life in Jesus. Baptism does not save us, but is an act of obedience since Jesus commands us to do so.
Who can get baptized?
Baptism comes after an expressed belief in Jesus no matter your age. Here at the Rock, we baptize over the age of 7.
“In our desire to be obedient to what Jesus commands us to do, we need to have an understanding and knowledge of the scriptural and spiritual basis for baptism. Without our knowledge and understanding, water baptism would be a meaningless ritual.”
– Romans 6:1-11
If anyone under the age of 18 is getting baptized, we do require parental approval and notification.
Can my child or infant be water baptized or dedicated?
Where does the Rock baptize?
At the Rock we believe in full immersion baptizing and use a “hot tub” like baptismal located on the south side of the stage in the main sanctuary to do so.
As it says in Matthew 3:16 “When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water.”
When can I get baptized?
Water baptisms are scheduled for the second weekend in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December. Please fill out the contact form to request a water baptism.