If you are looking to get planted in the House, join a Serve Team, or join a Connect Group, your next step is to attend our Discover Classes! There are 3 steps to this class:

Step 01: Discover the Rock – who WE are

Step 02: Discover your Design – who YOU are

Step 03: Discover your Place – getting PLANTED


This is the space you will learn more about who we are, what we believe and what it means to be a member. You will learn more about our culture, our structure, and how to get connected here at the Rock!

This class meets the first weekend of every month during the 5:00pm service on Saturday and during the 10:45 service on Sunday. We meet in the Resource Room located in the Rock Kids Hallway, first door on the right as you enter the hallway.

Childcare is available. 


In this class we will dive deeper into who you are. You will learn more about your design, how God wired you, and how your unique design can play an incredible role in building God’s great church through serving, joining a Connect group, and getting planted in the House. 

This class meets the second weekend of every month during the 5:00pm service on Saturday and during the 10:45 service on Sunday. We meet in the Resource Room located in the Rock Kids Hallway, first door on the right as you enter the hallway.

Sign ups are available through our Discover the Rock Class.

Childcare is available.