As we grow larger, we want to grow smaller. Connect Groups are how we do this.
+ What do Connect Groups look like?
Connect Groups happen across the city. They can be based around a sermon series, age group, support groups or common interests.
+ How often do groups meet?
Groups can meet once a week, once a month, or whatever the group is wanting to do. There are a variety of groups available for you to choose what works best for your schedule. We believe that meeting together frequently is important to help grow together.
+ Where do groups meet?
Connect Groups can meet in homes, at coffee shops, online or doing an activity.
+ Do Connect Groups have childcare?
Some groups help provide childcare, some share childcare costs and some groups do not. You can find groups that do have childcare through our Connect Group Search.
+ What if I don't "connect" in my Connect Group?
Connect Groups are not life sentences, although some groups have been thriving for years! If a Connect Group doesn't fit, feel free to find another one. We want to connect you to the body where God wants you to be connected.