What salvation means

We want to help you have a great conversation with your child about following Jesus. Here are some ideas you can talk about to see if your child’s ready to make Jesus the leader of their life.

Start with Scripture. Go online to www.go2.lc/nextstepsforkids to find a Bible Plan in the Bible App that will help you talk to your child. This short Bible Plan includes child-friendly videos, questions, and answers about salvation.

Explore your child’s understanding with these questions and Bible verses.

• Who is Jesus? Jesus is God’s Son. (Matthew 3:16-17)

• Do you sin? All people sin, and sin breaks our friendship with God. Talk about sins you or your child may struggle with. (Romans 3:23)

• Did Jesus Sin? Jesus is the only person who never sinned, He’s perfect, and He’s God’s Son. (Hebrews 4:15)

• Why did Jesus die on the cross and come back to life? Jesus took the punishment for everyone’s sins to offer forgiveness for them. He died once—for all of us—and came back to life to show His power over sin and death. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Romans 6:9-10)

If these questions show your child doesn’t understand what following Jesus means, revisit the discussion later. Show Jesus is the center of your family by praying, reading the Bible together, attending church weekly, and serving.

If these questions show your child does understand what following Jesus means, ask:

• Do you believe Jesus is God’s Son and Jesus died so we can be forgiven?

• Are you ready to ask Jesus to be the leader of your life? 

If your child’s answer to both questions is yes, pray the following prayer together:

Dear God, I admit I’ve done wrong, and I ask You to forgive me. I believe You sent Jesus to take the punishment for my sin and I’m forgiven because Jesus makes me right with You. I choose to spend my whole life depending on Your power to help me say, “No!” to sin. Help me to love You, love others, and share that You are my leader and number one friend. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Your child chose Jesus as their leader and best friend! Attend church weekly, read the Bible together, serve others, and sign your child up for baptism to help them grow in friendship with Christ.
